
Released: June, 2021

New Features:

Lifecycle Event Hooks (LEH) provides a complete integration capability so that you can can integrate your customer facing applications with any other homegrown systems or 3rd-party products that you may own, such as CRM or Marketing Hubs. With Lifecycle Event Hooks you can;

  • Take Fine Grained Control of the Customer Lifecycle
  • Migrate or Synchronize Customer Profile Data
  • Automate and Trigger Events Externally
  • Consume Threat Information From Any Source

Claim Dialects provide the ability to map native customer attributes in an Identity Store to OIDC claims. Claims can be assigned on an application by application basis.

In addition for OIDC Claim Dialects, admins can now manage claim mappings for any social login providers, providing full control over the scope of what customer account information is synchronized and stored from social platforms with Fusion and any other Fusion integration applications, like CRM.

Strivacity Fusion is now deployed and able to provide data sovereignty in Seoul, South Korea.

The Strivacity Identity Store now has a fully extensible schema, providing administrators the ability to easily add or modify an attribute for a customer account or group.

Fusion now supports the ability to add any enterprise OIDC or OAuth2 provider, supporting SP-initiated Inbound Federation using an external identity provider.

Fusion now supports the ability to add any enterprise SAML provider, supporting SP-initiated Inbound Federation using an external SAML identity provider.

The Fusion Admin Console now includes Role-based Access Control so that brands can setup their own roles and rights to achieve a least-privilege approach to managing their CIAM configuration and appropriate separation of duties.

Google Authenticator and other Soft-token applications are now supported as Multi-factor Authentication Methods.

Passcodes via a voice call is now a supported Multi-factor Authentication method, so customers can receive passcodes via voice to either a mobile or landline number.

Administrators can now easily manage static Group membership using Identities and Groups within the Admin Console.

Additional flexibility for custom domains (vanity URLs) is now provided. Brands can not only choose want DNS domain is used for their Fusion instance (e.g., but DNS domains can now be configured and chosen on an application-by-application basis. This provides full flexibility for customers that may support multiple brands and have multiple DNS domains.

The following general improvements/additions have been made to Customer Email Notifications:

  • Customer Notification Email's can now be individually enabled or disabled within a Notification policy providing greater flexibility on how brands would like to communicate with customers
  • An additional notification Email has been added to notify customers as they opt in or opt out of any Consents. This gives brands the ability to better notify customers based on their consent wishes
  • An additional notification Email has been added to notify customers based on any account updates, such as changing their name or updating their address details.
  • The sender address can now be defined on a per-Notification policy basis.

Resolved Issues:

DescriptionTracking Number
Notification email line spacing is incorrect due to extra <P> and <BR> HTML tags.STY-1246
Dashboard Widgets may not align correctly due to Adaptive MFA widget showing multiple methods.STY-1375
The Password Policy does not always prevent the use of the Username being used in the password field.STY-1501
The MFA Changed notification emails may not be sent correctly after the customer has made changes to their MFA settings.STY-1461
After editing Notification templates within a policy, the template listing order to seem to randomly rearrange.STY-1612
When tabbing between attribute fields in any hosted interface, the tab order will be out of order when the next field is the Phone Number attribute.STY-1742
Fastpath login (which bypasses the identifier request screen if 'Remember Me' is selected) will still prompt for the customer to choose a remembered account even if only one account is present.STY-1722
Strivacity Fusion's SAML2 Identity Provider will fail to parse a multi-line base64 SAML request, and therefore restrict integration with some SAML applications.STY-1719
The Magic Link parameter is not mandatory within Magic Link based email notifications.STY-1622