
Released: February, 2023

Strivacity’s newest product release, version Kyiv, introduces additional support for complex B2B use-cases, new identity verification methods, and many other improvements that make delivering forgettable sign-in and sign-up journeys for your customers a snap.

Enhanced organization management

Strivacity’s improved organization management capabilities allow you to provide unique sign-in and sign-up journeys to specific populations of customers. And, as usual, we do it in a way that provides a high amount of flexibility using no-code configurations. This allows brands to support many B2B and B2B2C use cases, including offering enterprise SSO to your business customer or white-labling your product to other vendors. We now support the ability for multiple organizations to log into multiple application clients, creating even more flixibility and ease of configuration for your complex situations.

Document verification

Is KYC (know your customer) on your list of requirements? Need to establish a high level of assurance that your prospective customer is who they say they are? We now offer native support for document verification, which requires prospective customers to prove their identity using a drivers license or passport. Again, we do all the heavy lifting for you here, including managing the relationship with the ID verification vendor and providing hosted components for all of the verification journeys. All achieved using our low-code, configuration-first approach.

Conditional notification content

Have a welcome email that needs to be personalized for a specific user segment? We have the solution for you: conditional notification content. You can now put conditional logic (IFs, ELSEs, etc.) into notification templates that key off native claims or group memberships, allowing you to put that special touch on each notification you send to your customers.

Multi-factor authentication enhancements

Does your customer only have one MFA method registered? Then why are you asking them to choose an MFA method when signing in? Oh right, we didn't support that before. Now we do!

Want to give your users more options for MFA? You can now show both mandatory and optional methods of MFA during the sign-up process.

We've also added MFA capabilities for external login providers, so you can add multi-factor authentication to enterprise and/or social logins.

Identity store-based access control

We've amped up our brand administrator role-based access control (RBAC) to include restriction of access to specific identity stores. This can come in handy if you have to restrict user management between multiple business units. We also made the RBAC controls a bit easier to use by grouping related permissions together.

OIDC backchannel logout

When you absolutely, positively, have to make sure that session has been killed. OIDC backchannel logout informs your brand portal when a session has been revoked, whether that session has been invalided by an administrator or by the customer themselves. You'll have to do a little work on your brand portal to make it work, but trust us: you'll be glad you did.

Keep me logged in and remember my device available during registration

You can now offer "remember my device" and "keep me logged in" during the registration process ensuring that sign-ups have the least amount of friction possible. Its like seamless, only with less seams.

Social account linking during login

Did your customer sign up for your service with an email address associated with one of their social accounts? Now, if they try to use the social login button to log in, you can offer to link the social and local account together instead of asking them to create a new account.

Resolved issues

Fixed a 500 error response when attempting to add authenticators via the admin API.STY-3607
Fixed an issue were account events could not be filtered by API only applicationsSTY-3360
Fixed an issue where NPM dependencies could not be loaded in some casesSTY-3398
Fixed an issue where LEH hooks would not deploy due to UUID lengthSTY-3380
Fixed CVE-2022-41912STY-3563
Fixed an issue where activation emails were sometimes not sentSTY-3542
Fixed an issue where searching for a grip member via give/family name was not workingSTY-3533
Fixed an issue where clicking on links in consent content in the self-service portal would toggle the consent agreementSTY-3213
Fixed an issue where we exposed a regular expression rather than a human readable error message when creating a usernameSTY-3495