Assigning an Adaptive MFA policy to an application

Learn how to assign an Adaptive MFA policy to an application protect your portal or web application.


Once an Adaptive MFA policy is assigned to an application, it will take immediate effect for that application. Any customers that are using the application will be subject to any new or changed Adaptive MFA policy settings at next login or when using/enrolling in Adaptive MFA methods.

To assign an existing Adaptive MFA policy to an existing Application, take the following steps.

If you have not created an Adaptive MFA policy or an Application see the following guides:

Adaptive MFA policy assigment

Adaptive MFA policy assignment

  1. Log in to the Admin Console using your admin account

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Applications

  3. From the list of applications that you have configured, click the application that you wish to edit. The Edit Application screen will be displayed as shown in the screenshot below (you'll notice that the Default Adaptive MFA Policy is automatically assigned to the Application).

  4. Under Application Properties, click Adaptive MFA Policy drop down list as shown in the screenshot below. In this example, you can select between the Default policy and the example policy, Brandtegrity Adaptive Policy.


If changing an Adaptive MFA policy results in an Multi-Factor Authentication method that customers were previously using being turned off, then the customers enrollment information will not be deleted. This is a safe guard feature just in case an administrator switches off a method and you need to switch it back on again. No customers will be required to re-enroll.

  1. Once you've selected the Adaptive MFA Policy that you wish to use click the Save button.

  2. The new Adaptive MFA policy and its settings will apply immediately.