Password quality
Password quality policies provide a way to enforce password characteristics and mitigate password risk for all accounts in an identity store. Learn more about how to setup and manage these policies.
Password quality policies provide a way to enforce password characteristics and mitigate password risk for all accounts in an identity store.
Password policy settings adhere to the 2019 NIST 800-63 cybersecurity framework and provide various password quality settings, including password strength requirements and password history-related limitations. Password quality settings also protect against common password-based attacks using breached or stolen credentials, such as password stuffing and password spraying.
Strivacity comes pre-configured with a default password policy that is also aligned to the 2019 NIST 800-63 Password Guidelines.
We recommend checking out our resource on good password practices that goes into more detail on what makes for good password hygiene.
Password quality settings
Updated 25 days ago