Our service level commitment
Learn more about the efforts that Strivacity makes to ensure that we can deliver on our service commitment to our customers.
Our service commitment
Strivacity makes all commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that Strivacity is running with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.99% during any month, subject to any SLA Exclusions.
View our current system status
The current system status for all Strivacity services across all regions can be found at https://status.strivacity.com.
This provides information on any upcoming maintenance schedules and shows any incidents for the last 30 days.
What do we define as an outage?
An outage is when a component of Strivacity reaches or goes below a specific condition.
Definition of component
- A Hosted Page (which is any customer-facing component hosted by Strivacity)
- Admin Console
- An Identity Store
- A Database
Definition of conditions
- Unavailable/Offline (includes cloud software, datastore, and on-premises connectors and excludes any customer-owned identity stores, data stores, REST APIs, and Web Services)
- Response times greater than 1000ms for a sustained period of 5 minutes for APIs
- Response times greater than 3000ms for a sustained period of 5 minutes for any user interface
Definition of availability
This means that Strivacity components are no longer running or are not reachable due to Strivacity’s fault. This excludes members of a tenant/cluster/region where the service as a whole is running and reachable, i.e. any failover is working and still providing “Availability”.
Scheduled downtime windows do not count toward the availability metrics.
This is the scheduled unavailability of Strivacity. It's the time that Strivacity has scheduled at least 48 hours in advance with full notification to those impacted that this is going to happen. This scheduled downtime is usually outside of an impact window or a working window based on our customers using the service, usually in a given timezone.
SLA exclusions
The Service Commitment does not apply to any Unavailability caused by;
- The suspension of a customer's account with Strivacity.
- Caused by any factors outside of Strivacity’s immediate control including:
- A force majeure event
- Internet Access to hosting partner (e.g. AWS)
- Any problems beyond the demarcation point of the Strivacity network, e.g. a DNS outage or DNS DDOS attack.
- Any Maintenance (per the definition of Maintenance above).
Updated 10 days ago