Custom messaging


Identity verification is a complex journey in which customers will need guidance. That's why we provide notification and failure message steps by default and place them in the right order of the identity verification template.

Each step contains default messages you can use as a draft for creating your own messaging.



You can learn more about how to set up notifications, configure consent collection, and edit failure messages on the referred pages.

Verification notification

Verification notifications allow you to add your brand's communications to the beginning of the identity verification flow. You can provide information for customers as you see fit, share your data privacy policy, and collect customer consent for the proofing and affirmation process.

Verification notifications are made up of two separate parts:

  1. Notification text
  2. Consent collection
Configuring a verification notification

Configuring a verification notification

Each part can be configured separately. You can either

  • show both the notification message and consent to customers,

  • disable the notification message,

  • set up implicit consent collection, or

  • if regulations allow, make the notification step hidden-implicit (completely invisible) to minimize friction


Hidden-implicit configuration

By applying a hidden-implicit notification step, customer consent will still be collected and stored as account information for that customer.

Failure notification

Adding a custom failure message allows you to give a potential customer additional options to confirm their identity if the verification process fails.