Create an identity verification policy

Learn how to manage the basic settings of an identity verification policy.

  1. Navigate to Identity Verification in the Admin Console.
  2. Click 'Create Identity Verification Policy'.
  3. First, add a name to your policy.
  4. Then, select a consent from your global Consents list to collect from your customers during identity verification.
Identity verification initial settings

Identity verification initial settings


You can change the consent at Verification notification configuration later on.

  1. Click 'Create' to continue.

Verification steps

Configure the steps that customers will have to complete to verify their identity. Follow along with the current identity verification customer journey in the Workflow Preview screen.


Follow each link for the configuration details.

  1. Click on the '+' sign to add and start configuring a new step:
List of verification steps

List of verification steps


The Verification notification and Failure message blocks are added to the workflow by default.

  1. Arrange verification steps in the order you prefer.
Re-ordering of verification steps

Re-ordering of verification steps

Workflow preview

View the flowchart to follow along with the current configuration of the identity verification policy.

  • Green lines represent successful identity verification.
  • Red lines represent failed identity verification.
Workflow preview with all configured steps configured properly

Workflow preview with all configured steps configured properly

The workflow preview warns you if there's any misconfiguration in the verification flow:

Workflow preview with misconfigured step

Workflow preview with misconfigured step

Resolve issues in the verification flow by re-arranging verification steps or by re-considering success and failure actions.