
You can find useful metrics about your Strivacity instance that you can turn into insights


Strivacity's dashboard gives you deep insights into the health of your customer identity ecosystem, ensuring you have the insights needed to meet your brand's login, account onboarding, and security objectives.


  • 3 out-of-the box dashboards configured for operations, account onboarding, and security use cases
  • Create additional custom dashboards
  • Filter entire board, or on a per-widget basis
  • Filter by date range or application client
  • Show the same data with different chart views
  • Add multiple widgets of the same metric with different filters to compare different date ranges or applications
  • Export dashboards to csv or PDF

Metric list

Active accountsDisplays the number of accounts that have been active within a given month, providing insights into user engagement and platform usage over time.
Account engagementCompares active accounts to total accounts, highlighting customer engagement and platform adoption.
LoginsDisplays the counts of successful logins, login failures, and login abandonments, offering a comprehensive overview of login activity and user behavior.
Login successDisplays the number of successful login attempts over a specified timeframe, indicating the efficacy of authentication processes and system accessibility.
Login failureTracks the frequency of unsuccessful login attempts, offering insights into potential security threats and authentication issues.
Login failure reasonsHighlights the top reasons for login failures along with the corresponding steps in the authentication process. Use to identify common issues and potential points of improvement.
Login abandonmentShows the number of instances where users abandon the login process before completion, indicating potential usability challenges or barriers to access.
Abandoned login stepsHighlights the top steps where users commonly abandon the login process, offering insights into potential usability issues or obstacles to user engagement.
RegistrationsDisplays the counts of successful registrations, registration failures, and registration abandonments, providing insights into the effectiveness of the registration process and user engagement.
Registration successDisplays the number of successful registrations within a specified period.
Successful registration durationShows the median time spent on individual registration screens before successful completion, aiding in identifying potential bottlenecks or areas for streamlining the registration process.
Registration failureTracks the number of failed registration attempts over a specified period, highlighting potential obstacles in the process and areas for improvement.
Registration failure reasonsHighlights the top reasons for registration failures along with the corresponding steps in the process, aiding of common issues and potential points of improvement.
Failed registration durationShows the median time spent on each registration screen before a registration failure occurs, offering insights into potential usability issues or points of friction in the registration process.
Registration abandoned stepsHighlights the top steps or screens where users commonly abandon the registration process, pinpointing potential usability hurdles or areas for improvement in user experience.
Registration abandonmentShows the number of instances where users abandon the registration process before completion, indicating potential usability challenges.
Adaptive rule eventsProvides insights into the effectiveness of adaptive access rules by indicating the number of blocked sessions due to security policy violations and stepped-up/stepped-down authentication measures.
Blocked sessionsTracks the number of sessions blocked due to security concerns or violations, providing insights into attempted unauthorized access and the effectiveness of security measures.
Blocked session reasonsHighlights the primary reasons for session blocks, offering insights into security threats and potential vulnerabilities in the system.
Stepped-up loginsIndicates the number of login attempts that triggered stepped-up authentication measures, offering insights into security triggers and potential risks.
Stepped-up login reasonsHighlights the primary reasons triggering stepped-up authentication during login attempts, aiding in the identification of potential security threats and risk factors.
Stepped-down loginsIndicates the number of login attempts that triggered stepped-down authentication measures, offering insights into security triggers and potential risks.
Stepped-down logins reasonsHighlights the primary reasons triggering stepped-down authentication during login attempts, aiding in the identification of potential security threats and risk factors.
External loginsShows the frequency of external login attempts categorized by provider configuration, offering insights into user preferences and authentication sources.
External registrationsShows registrations based on external provider setup, aiding in understanding user preferences for authentication sources.
Forgotten username requestsIllustrates the successful and failed resolution of forgotten username requests, indicating the efficiency of user support and account recovery processes.
Password resetsDisplays the successful and failure number of password resets, indicating the effectiveness of user support and account security measures.
MFA authenticationsShows the distribution of MFA methods used, aiding in understanding authentication preferences.
MFA enrollmentsShows the total registrations with adaptive MFA, highlighting enhanced security measures.
Identity verification and fraud transactionsIllustrates the utilization of identity verification services alongside fraudulent transaction detection measures, offering insights into security protocols and risk management strategies.
Voice call/SMS and email resend requestsTracks the count of resend requests that occurred while using Strivacity messaging services. Used to track instances where messages were not successfully delivered initially due to issues, prompting re-attempts for successful
delivery. Does not count Emails Ide sent via 3rd-party SMTP servers.

Create a new dashboard

Selecting and creating dashboards

Selecting and creating dashboards

  1. Click the current dashboard name and select "+ New board"
  2. Select whether you want to start adding custom widgets or start with a board template
  3. Add new widgets to the board by clicking the ⚙️ icon and select "Add widgets"
  4. Filter the data by timestamp using the date filter
  5. Filter the data by application using the application client filter
  6. Use the (:) menu in a dashboard tile to select the chart type, add tile-scoped filtering, refresh the data, duplicate the tile, export to PDF, or delete the tile.

Default dashboards


  • Total active accounts
  • Active accounts vs. total accounts
  • Total identities
  • Login success, fail, abandonment
  • External login usage

Account opening

  • Registration success/fail/abandonment
  • Registration failure reasons
  • Registration median times
  • Total customer identities
  • IDV transactions - pass/fail/%
  • Adaptive MFA registrations
  • External login registrations


  • Username reminders
  • Password resets
  • Login failures
  • Blocked sessions - reasons
  • Stepped-up logins - reasons
  • Stepped-down login - reasons
  • Adaptive MFA authentications by type