Dashboard overview

You can find useful metrics about your Strivacity instance that you can turn into insights

The Dashboard provides real-time insights into how your customers are using your web portals and applications powered by Strivacity.

The information displayed in the dashboard is cumulative of the activity for all configured applications and identity stores unless filtered down by application. Exception: active accounts are always calculated for all applications regardless of the filter state.

Stylized dashboard

Stylized dashboard


You can find the following metrics on the dashboard:

Active AccountsThe chart displays the number of active accounts logged in over a selected time range in a monthly breakdown across all identity stores.
LoginsThe number of successful and unsuccessful logins
RegistrationsThe number of newly created customer identities via self-service or the Admin Console
Total Customer IdentitiesThe total number of customer identities across all identity stores
Enterprise LoginsDisplays 1) the total number of enterprise logins and 2) the number of enterprise logins broken down by each configured enterprise login provider
Enterprise RegistrationsDisplays 1) the total number of enterprise registrations and 2) the number of enterprise registrations broken down by each configured enterprise login provider
Social LoginsDisplays 1) the total number of social logins and 2) the number of social logins broken down by each configured social login provider
Social RegistrationsDisplays 1) the total number of social registrations and 2) the number of social registrations broken down by each configured social login provider
Adaptive MFA UsageThe number of logins using each configured Adaptive MFA method
Abandoned LoginsThe total number of abandoned logins - an indicator that an attacker was unable to continue during the login process, or a legitimate customer decided not to continue to login
Password ResetsThe total number of successful password reset requests using self-service
Forgotten Username RequestsThe total number of forgotten username requests using self-service
Total Anonymous IdentitiesThe total number of anonymous visitors that consents have been captured for

Widget editor

You can rearrange metric widgets in a way that best suits your purposes.

Widget rearrangement

Widget rearrangement


Dashboard metrics can be filtered by time ranges and applications.


Active accounts only provide data at an hourly granularity. This means that minute-level data won’t be displayed for Active accounts when applying time filters under an hour. If the time filter spans across two hours, the metric will display data for both complete hours.

Filters by time & date

You can check the events of the last 2 hours up to conjuring data up from the year before:

Date picker input

You can use the calendar tool if you need metrics from a custom time range. You can also select your time zone.

Dashboard default view

Dashboard custom time range

Filtering stays just the way you left it the next time you return for more metrics.

Filter by application

You can check how individual applications are performing.


The Active Accounts and Total Customer Identities widget always show the cumulative data of all configured applications and identity stores, regardless of the application filter applied.

Dashboard data filtered by application

Dashboard data filtered by application

Data export

You can also fetch data from the dashboard in no time: click on Export Data to export selected dashboard widget results to a CSV file:

  • from a specified time range
  • from a selected application
  • with a preferred time resolution
Data export dialog

Data export dialog

You can include the following data points in your dashboard report for the selected range:

Data pointData export nameDescription
Successful loginslogins_successfulThe number of successful logins where users reach the brand portal.
Failed loginslogins_failedThe number of failed logins. Failed logins occur when users run out of attempts while trying to authenticate. Wrong username, password, or authenticator inputs all add to unsuccessful login attempts.
Abandoned loginslogins_abandonedThe number of abandoned logins. A login is considered abandoned if the max-age of the login session expires. This can happen if users are unaware of being forwarded to their login session with Fastpath.
Successful registrationsregistration_successfulThe number of account registrations. Successful account registration comprises

a unique entry for each required identifier type,

the enrollment of mandatory MFAs,

a password that meets the password policy criteria,

passing progressive profiling if applicable, and

passing ID verification if applicable.
Total accountstotal_accountsThe number of existing accounts.
Successful forgotten username requestsforgotten_username_successfulThe number of times an existing account was detected for the email address provided for the username reminder. In this case, Strivacity tries to send the username reminder to the recipient.
Failed forgotten username requestsforgotten_username_failedThe number of times no account was detected for the email address provided for the username reminder. In this case, there is no email delivery attempt by Strivacity.
Successful password resetspassword_reset_successfulThe number of successful password resets.
Failed password resetspassword_reset_failedThe number of unsuccessful password resets. Password reset can be unsuccessful if the reset link didn’t make it to the user or the user couldn’t set up a valid password in the available tries.
Consent acceptanceconsentId_versionThe number of total opt-ins for a consent at a given point in time (on an hourly or daily basis depending on the time resolution selected). The number can increase or decrease depending on how many consent grants and revokes occurred, either by users or administrators. Consents are listed by consent id and version, each version showing separate data points.

“0” consent opt-in can appear in statistics if there was a point in time (either before or after) when the consent has been accepted.