Create a consent

Create consents that you can easily add to your application to comply with any data protection regulation you're contending with.

Consent Management provides you with a template to fill in your consent statements that customers can read and interact with. Then, you'll add the consent to an application to have it take effect.

  1. Navigate to Consent Management in the Admin Console.

By navigating to the module, you will see the global consent list (every existing consent) of your instance:

Consent list

Consent list


In a new Strivacity instance, you will have the default Age Verification, Marketing Notification, and Terms and Conditions consents lined up.

  1. Click +Create Consent on the right.

  2. The consent editor will show up:

Create consent template

Create consent template

  1. Add the basic information, contents, and markdown to the new consent.

  2. Click Save once you've set up your new consent.