Creating an organization

Organizations are created on an identity store basis. They can be accessed through application clients, by adding the identity store to an application. By default, every organization can be accessed through the application's clients. You can streamline logins by routing to an organization's sign-in experience with organizational login hints, or you can define base organizations to restrict access to organizations. Customers can also type in their routes manually.


You can start by navigating to the Organizations tab in the Admin Console. You will find organizations listed by identity store if any were created. You can switch between identity stores with the drop-down on the left.

Organizations tab

Organizations tab


You can use the + Create organization button to make a new organization. Organization settings will appear on a new screen.


There are mandatory and optional organization settings you can configure.


  • Name The organization will go by this name in the customer experience and in the Admin Console. This field supports special characters such as "! @ + ? * °".
  • Routes You can provide the route(s) to your organization. You can use multiple identifiers.


If not routed automatically, customers will need to type in the route identifier of their organization on the organizational selector screen.


⚠️ Organizational route identifiers have strict requirements.

✅ Route identifiers can only contain⛔Route identifiers cannot contain
lowercase characters (a-z)upper case characters
digits (0-9)symbols, special characters
hyphen (-)spaces


It's best to choose a descriptive but easy-to-remember name for the route identifier.


Basic settings

  • Description You can add a description to your organization that administrators can view for more context about the organization.
  • Parent organization You can add a parent organization to place the current organization into your organizational structure.


Parent organizations allow you to build a hierarchy of organizations, separate organizaitonal branches in your structure, and to control access to suborganizations.


Organization settings allow you to add essential styling to the organization's customer experience.


The branding you provide here applies to the organization’s login, registration, and self-service unless there's a branding policy override in an application configuration.

  • Favicon URL You can set a custom favicon for your organization that you host from an external resource.
  • Logo URL You can set a custom logo for your organization that you host from an external resource.


Content-type header format

Logo and favicon display has a safeguard in place that makes sure the browser only accepts image responses from the source URLs and not some malicious JS code. In order to display your images, the content-type header of your service that hosts the brand logo and favicon must contain at least one of the following formats:

  • image/png
  • image/jpg
  • image/svg+xml
  • Primary color You can define the primary brand color of the organization. The primary color applies to the main UI components of the customer experience, such as the action buttons, target select, input field focus, etc.
  • Background color You can define the background color of the organization's experience.


  • Self-service registration You can allow or disable self-service registration into this organization.
  • Child organization registration You can allow or disable child organization registration for this organization. Users with the right permission can register a new organization under the current one.


Once you've added your configurations, you can click Save to finish creating the organization.