Creating an account

Learn how to use the Admin Console to create and manage customer identities.

Follow these steps to create a new account with Strivacity

  1. Log into the Admin Console and select Account Management from the main menu on the left-hand side of the console. If any accounts already exist, they will be displayed here.

  2. If you have multiple Identity Stores already set up, you will need to select the correct Identity Store where you want to create the account. If you only have a single Identity Store then 'Default' will be displayed (next to the Create Account button), as shown below.

  1. You can now create an account by clicking the 'Create Account' button. You will be taken to the Create Account screen as shown below:
Create account screen

Create account screen

  1. You will need to populate the following mandatory attributes, Username, First name, Last name, Email, and Password. See the below table for an explanation of the requirements for these attributes.

  2. Once you've typed in your attribute values, click 'Save'.

  3. Upon successful account creation, you will be taken back to the Identities and Groups screen and shown a listing of all accounts within that Identity Store.


When manually creating an account within the Admin Console, the customer will not be required to activate the account and they will not receive any email notifications that an account has been created.

  1. This completes the process of creating an account.

The table below provides an overview of the rules and requirements for these common attributes used during the account creation process.

Attribute NameDescription and Rules
  • Must be unique since it is the primary identifier of the account.
  • Can contain up to 104 characters in length
  • Cannot contain spaces or any of these ASCII characters: " / \ [ ] : ;
= , + * ? < >
  • Can contain any of these ASCII characters: # $ % & ' ( ) - . @ ^ _ ` { } ~
  • Are case aware (This refers to the storage of a username in the case that it was provided. If a username is entered as ‘UsERname’ then it is stored as ‘UsERname’ and displayed as '‘UsERname’ whenever presented to the customer.)
  • Are not case sensitive (this means that a username match and its uniqueness does not take into consideration any case sensitivity)
  • First name
    • Can contain up to 64 characters in length and any uppercase or lowercase Latin or Unicode characters from A to Z
    • Can contain spaces surrounded by any character
    • Can contain - and ' surrounded by any character
    Middle name
    • Can contain up to 64 characters in length and any uppercase or lowercase Latin or Unicode characters from A to Z
    • Can contain spaces surrounded by any character
    • Can contain - and ' surrounded by any character



    • Can contain up to 64 characters in length and any uppercase or lowercase Latin or Unicode characters from A to Z
    • Can contain spaces surrounded by any character
    • Can contain - and ' surrounded by any character

    The email address must be in the format of localpart@domain


    • Can contain any uppercase or lowercase Latin characters
    • Can contain any digits 0 to 9
    • Can contain any of these ASCII characters: ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` {
    } ~


    · Can contain . if it is not the first or last character or repeated

    · Can contain any digits 0 to 9

    · Can contain any uppercase or lowercase Latin characters

    · Can contain – if it is not the first or last character

    Phone number

    • Can contain any digits 0 to 9
    • Can contain + providing that it is the first character

    The customer's password will be governed by the Password Policy that has been set on the Identity Store, however, the following allowed and disallowed rules also apply:

    • Can contain up to 64 characters in length and any uppercase or lowercase Latin or Unicode characters from A to Z
    • Can contain any digits 0 to 9
    • Can contain any of these ASCII characters: # $ % & ' ( ) - . @ ^ _ ` { } ~ !