
The Translations feature assembles text inputs from your Strivacity instance such as your brand's proprietary communications, consent texts, attribute error messages, etc. into a downloadable content package. You can share the content packages to translate these texts into the target languages you need.

Translations collect your input content from the following places in the Admin Console:

  • Account attributes

  • Branding policy contents

    • Copyright text
    • Support text
    • Additional contents
    • Additional texts for every customer experience
  • Consents

    • Display text
    • Self-service display text
  • Identity verification policies

    • Identity verification notification display
    • Failure message
    • Data collection display message
    • Data collection fields' display name
  • Notification policies

    • Email notification subjects and text bodies
    • Text message bodies


Some parts of the UI messaging are not included in the content package which means they can't be customized in translation as the complementary texts. These texts translate automatically to the selected display language.

  • static text in the customer sign-in experience such as button texts (e.g. Continue, Verify), or standard help texts (e.g. self-service password reset)
  • every error message featured in the UI, except for attribute error messages
  • any translations contained in Lifecycle Event Hooks

Default supported languages

Strivacity supports translation import in the following languages by default:

  • Danish (Denmark)
  • German (Germany)
  • Estonian (Estonia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (UK)
  • English (United States) Default
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)
  • Italian (Italy)
  • Latvian (Latvia)
  • Lithuanian (Lithuania)
  • Hungarian (Hungary)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Finnish (Finland)
  • Swedish (Sweden)
  • Vietnamese (Vietnam)
  • Russian (Russia)
  • Ukrainian (Ukraine)
  • Chinese (China)
  • Chinese (Hong Kong)
  • Japanese (Japan)
  • Korean (South Korea)

Display language precedence


The Admin Console is not internationalized. Language selection is only available for the sign-in experience for administrators. Administration via the Admin Console is US English only.

Before any explicit language selection is made by users at sign-in, the login session collects information and goes through a series of checks to decide the display language of the customer experience. If the content package is enabled for the selected language, then the UI and complementary texts such as brand communications or error messages will appear in that specific language.


For complementary texts to appear in the selected display language, you need to import the translation package first. If brand communications are not translated for the selected language, complementary texts will appear in US English.

Here’s the following order in which the display language is decided on, long before the user can click on the language menu:

Language precedence order at initialization
Language preference informationDescriptionOutcomes
1. Coming from login_hintYou can attach a login hint to the login URL the customer is redirected to when trying to sign in. You can add a preferred language to the login hint with the following parameters :

"language": {
"force": "en-EN"
The language preference coming from the login hint overrides preferences coming from any other type of session information (last session, browser preference, or ui_locale parameter).

If the provided language is enabled on Strivacity’s side, this language will be displayed. If not, then language selection will check the next option.
2. Coming from existing account informationIf the user has previous session information, then Strivacity will have in store the last display language they’ve used.The language preference coming from the last (or concurrently running) active session overrides the browser preference and OIDC ui_locale language parameter.

If the provided language is enabled on Strivacity’s side, this language will be displayed. If not, then language selection will check the next option.
3. Coming from browser preferenceIf there is no login hint and no previous session is available (e.g. in case of new users), Strivacity sets the display language based on the browser’s language preference.The language preference coming from the browser overrides the language enforcement coming from the OIDC ui_locale parameter.

If the language package is enabled then the experience will appear in that language.

If the provided language is enabled on Strivacity’s side, this language will be displayed. If not, then language selection will check the next option.
4. OIDC ui_locale language parameterIf no login hint, previous session, or browser language preference is available, Strivacity checks if there's an OIDC ui_locale parameter provided in the OIDC request and sets the display language based on it.The language preference coming from the OIDC request is only one step away from the default display language.

If the provided language is enabled on Strivacity’s side, this language will be displayed. If not, then language selection will check the next option.
5. Default languageIf Strivacity can’t set a language based on any of the above-mentioned session information, the UI defaults to US English which is always enabled.

Customers can also change the display language that was selected manually in login/registration flows or in the My Account portal.

Language preference informationDescriptionOutcomes
Manual language selectionCustomers can select their language at sign-in from the language menu.Only enabled languages are available in the menu.

Language settings

The primary language used by Strivacity is English (United States) which is the default language of the customer experience. Every other language can be enabled or disabled.

If a language is disabled

  • it can't be applied to administrative or customer sign-in experiences
  • the language option is not available at sign-in in the language menu
  • administrators can’t select it as the language of account invitation or creation


Content packages

You will still be able to manage content packages (complementary texts such as supporting texts for UI, notification bodies, or error messages) for disabled languages.


  1. You can find Translations in the Instance configuration section.
  2. Select a content package. The US English package is available by default. It cannot be disabled or imported.
  3. Click Export.


The Admin Console will prepare a JSON file to download.


  1. Click on the Import translation button.
  2. Select the JSON package you'd like to import.


Only JSON files follow the format of content packages previously exported from a Strivactiy instance can be imported successfully.