Creating a group

Here, you can learn how to create and manage customer groups. You can use groups to restrict customers from accessing applications that are off-limits or irrelevant to them.

  1. Navigate to Groups in the left-hand navigation


Groups can be created on an identity-store basis. To make sure you're in the right identity store, you can select it from the drop-down on the right of the Groups page.

  1. Select an identity store and click Create Group.
List of groups by identity store with Create Group action

List of groups by identity store with Create Group action


You will be taken to the new group's General page.

  1. Here, you can name your group and add a description.
Configuring a group

Configuring a group


The 'Members' tab is disabled until you save the general settings.

  1. Click 'Save' once you've added your changes to create your group.


You will be redirected to the group listing.

  1. You can select a group to manage members, change the name or description, or delete the group.