A/B Testing

Strivacity includes a powerful A/B and multivariate testing capability designed to help you optimize your CIAM approach and achieve your brand’s outcomes. The feature allows you to experiment with different policy variants within your applications, enabling you to identify the most effective login and registration journeys for your brand.

A/B testing flow illustration


  • Variant policy setup: Create multiple variants of your CIAM policies. Whether it's different authentication methods, varying access controls, or customized user flows, you can configure and test different scenarios to see what works best for your customers.
  • Custom rules for variant presentation: Define precise rules to determine which policy variant is presented to which segment of your customer base. This allows for targeted testing, ensuring that each variant is targeted accurately to different user demographics, or is sufficiently random and targets small portions of your total customer population. You choose the targeting that best suits your needs.
  • Custom dashboards and metrics: Gain insights with custom dashboards that allow you to filter and compare metrics based on the policy variants. Track performance against predefined goals and visualize how each variant impacts user engagement, conversion rates, and other critical metrics.


  • Data-driven decision making: With detailed analytics and comparison capabilities, you can make informed decisions backed by empirical data. Understand which policy configurations enhance customer experience, increase security, or improve conversion rates.
  • Enhanced user experience: By testing different approaches, you can tailor the CIAM experience to better meet the needs of your diverse customer base, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.
  • Improved security posture: Experiment with various security policies to find the right balance between user convenience and security, ensuring that your application remains both secure and user-friendly.

Strivacity's A/B and multivariate testing feature empowers you to refine your CIAM strategies through continuous testing and optimization, ultimately driving better outcomes for your business and your customers.

Sample use cases

  • Create an alternate registration flow and see how it affects conversion rates.
  • Determine which authentication method provides the best balance between usability and security.
  • Offer a new authenticator type to a small target audience to understand adoption rates.
  • Evaluate the impact of different security policies, such as stricter password requirements versus regular password updates.
  • Identify the most effective method for obtaining consent while minimizing user friction.