Creating administrative accounts

This page walks you through how to create an administrative identity in the Admin Console.

  1. Navigate to Instance Configuration > Admin Accounts

  2. Click the downward arrow at the 'Invite Admin' button on the right.

  3. Select '+ Create Account'.

Create Account option located under Invite Admin

Create Account option located under Invite Admin


You will be directed to an account creation form where you can fill in information for the new administrative identity.

Create account form

  1. Mandatory fields:
  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  1. Recommended optional fields:
  • Phone number (for Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment)

Here's a cheat sheet for what rules to keep in mind when filling out each field:

Attribute fieldDescription & rules

  • Must be unique since its the primary identifier of the account.
  • Can contain up to 104 characters in length
  • Can contain any of the of these ASCII characters: # $ % & ' ( ) - . @ ^ _ ` { } ~
  • Cannot contain: " / \ [ ] : ;
= , + * ? < >
  • Are case aware but not case sensitive:

    • Case awereness refers to the storage of a username in the case that it was provided. If a username is entered as ‘UsERname’ then it is stored as ‘UsERname’ and displayed as '‘UsERname’ whenever presented to the customer.
    • Being not case sensitive means that different casings of the same character sequence will not make a username unique. Example 'Username' and 'USeRnAmE' will be recognized as the same identifier by the system.

The email address must be in the format of localpart@domain


  • Can contain any uppercase or lowercase Latin characters
  • Can contain any digits 0 to 9
  • Can contain any of these ASCII characters: ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` {
} ~


· Can contain . if it is not the first or last character or repeated

· Can contain any digits 0 to 9

· Can contain any uppercase or lowercase Latin characters

· Can contain – if it is not the first or last character

PasswordThe following password quality requirements apply to administrator passwords:

  • Minimum required character length is set to 14
  • The password can contain any allowed characters, but character types such as digits and special characters are not required.
  • Breached password detection enabled
  • The same character is allowed to repeat consecutively 3 times within the password. Example 'aaa'
  • 3-character long sequences are allowed in the password. Example '123'
  • The password can contain up to 64 characters
  • Can contain any uppercase or lowercase Latin or Unicode characters
  • Breached password detection prevents the re-use of passwords previously leaked in data breaches.
  • Repeated character restriction is case-sensitive which allows the lower and upper case of the same letter to alternate.
  • Phone number
    • Can contain any digits 0 to 9
    • Can contain + providing that it is the first character
    1. Click 'Save' once you've typed in the new admin's profile information.


    After successful account creation, you will be taken back to the Admin Accounts main page.

    You can return to the administrative account to manage its General settings, review and update Assigned Roles, and check Account Activity logs.