Q2 digital banking platform

Learn how to integrate Strivacity with the Q2 digital banking platform.

Q2’s digital banking platform supports integrating 3rd party authentication and identity providers.

Q2's Inbound SSO option allows users to authenticate directly with Strivacity hosted components. Users are redirected from Q2 and complete the customer journey within Strivacity. At the end, Strivacity will redirect the authenticated user back to the Q2 platform. The supported model in Q2 for the Inbound SSO integration uses the Authorization Code Flow of OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Q2 provides a nice description and diagram of the flow on its documentation website. You must have a developer account with Q2.

Step 1: Configuring Strivacity as an Identity Provider (IdP) for Q2

To set up a Strivacity application for Authorization Code Flow with PKCE in the admin console, follow these steps:

  1. Start by logging into the Admin Console using an admin account
  2. Go to the "Applications" section in the admin console.
  3. Click on "Create Application" to start the process. Fill in the required details such as the application name, and description
  4. Go to the "Clients" tab.
  5. Click "Create client" and select OIDC using no-code components. Name your client and click save.
  6. Go to the "OAuth2/OIDC" tab.
  7. You will provide the following fields to the Q2 platform to set it up for redirection to Strivacity.
    1. Client ID: OIDC client Identifier
    2. Client Secret: OIDC client secret
  8. Add the provided callback URL from the Q2 platform as an "Allowed callback URL". This is where Strivacity will send the user on the Q2 platform after the OIDC flow is complete.

Step 2: Create an enrollment flow in the Strivacity Journey builder

When Q2 is using Inbound SSO, user creation happens via Strivacity orchestration. Strivacity invokes the Q2 Caliper API Enrollment endpoint to inform the platform of the Strivacity unique user ID, known on the Q2 side as the "SSOIdentifier". This is how Q2 will link the user from the Q2 User record to Strivacity's user profile when logging in.

On the Strivacity side, this step can be achieved using the Journey builder. The following serves as an example of how this linkage may occur.

  1. Ensure you are logged into the Admin Console using an admin account
  2. Go to the "Journey builder"
  3. Click "Add plugin"
  4. Navigate to the "Digital banking platforms" section
  5. Click on "Q2 digital banking" and select it
  6. Click "Add". You will now have a journey.
  7. Click on the "Q2" block and click the pencil above it.
  8. Plug in your Q2 Caliper API credentials as specified in the IDE.
  9. Click the "+" sign at the top right.
  10. After the "Start" block, add an "Input" block and connect it to the "Start" block. This can serve as your registration block to collect user information.
  11. Connect this block to the Q2 block.

Step 3: Test the integration

  1. Navigate to the login screen on your Q2 app.
  2. Q2 should now redirect to Strivacity.
  3. Click "Sign up"
  4. Enter your user information and provide your password.
  5. You should now be redirected back to Q2 as the relevant user.