LinkedIn login setup

This page explains how to add LinkedIn's sign-in service to your applications to allow customers to log in with their LinkedIn identities.


By integrating with LinkedIn’s sign-in service, you allow customers to log into your application with their existing LinkedIn identities.


Strivacity's support for social authentication and registration allows you to easily establish a trusted relationship between your applications and various social identity providers.

Social login providers

Social provider add-ons in the Admin Console come with many client-side configurations out of the box to make integration as painless as possible:

  • autodiscovery URL with automatic endpoint collection
  • pre-defined scopes for the essential requests
  • pre-configured claim mappings to obtain and synchronize relevant social profile attributes
  • continuous customer data synchronization



  • General understanding of the OIDC Authorization Code Flow grant type
  • A test application where you can apply and test the LinkedIn social provider


To demonstrate the integration process, the test application will be Strivacity's customer self-service management utility. The process will look mostly the same for any other application.


  • Existing LinkedIn identity
  • LinkedIn Developers Platform
  • New LinkedIn application
    • Client ID and Secret of the application


  • Up-and-running Strivacity instance
  • Redirect URI where customers are redirected after successful authentication: https://<yourStrivacityinstanceID>
  • Test application to test the social provider
  • The application's self-service URL for reference

Configuration steps

Creating a LinkedIn app for integration

  1. Access LinkedIn’s developer portal.

  2. Click ‘Create app’ to create a new application.


You will be redirected to the ‘Create an app’ page.

  1. Fill in the required fields:
  • Name your new app
  • Add your brand’s LinkedIn company page


Your LinkedIn Page Admin can verify the association with your app later. Your LinkedIn app can still be used for providing social login without a verified company page.

Optional You can provide a URL to your brand’s Privacy Policy.

  1. Click ‘Create app’ once you’ve completed the fields.


You will land on the 'Settings' tab of your new application.

Managing app settings

  1. Go to the ‘Auth’ tab
  • Capture the Client ID and Secret from ‘Authentication keys’
  • Add a redirect URL at ‘OAuth 2.0 settings’


The redirect URL consists of your Strivacity instance ID and the following endpoint: [https://**\](https://**\)**

You can review the available scopes at the bottom of the page.

Configuring LinkedIn sign-in

  1. Go to the ‘Products’ tab.

  2. Select ‘Sign In with LinkedIn’ at the additional available products.


You will be asked to accept LinkedIn’s terms for using this product for the relevant use-case.

  1. Click ‘Add product’.

You’re all set for adding LinkedIn’s sign-in experience to your applications.

Adding LinkedIn as a social login provider

  1. In the Strivacity Admin Console, navigate to External Login > Social Login.

  2. Click ‘Create Social Login Provider’.

Social login provider
  1. Select ‘LinkedIn’ from the list of available social provider capabilities.
Create social login provider
  1. Paste the Client ID and Secret you’ve previously obtained from your LinkedIn application.
LinkedIn social login provider setup

The scopes that your Strivacity application will request are already defined. For more information about the scopes of LinkedIn’s sign-in service, visit this page.

  1. Enable Synchronize and store profile data at each login to ensure customer data is kept up-to-date inside your application.

  2. Click ‘Save’ to add the LinkedIn social provider.

Claim mappings are automatically handled for social login providers after saving.

Claim mappings screen

Adding LinkedIn sign-in capability to your application


Follow the steps described in this guide to add a social login provider to an application

Testing your social login provider

  1. Copy the self-service URL of your application.

  2. Open an incognito window or launch another browser.

  3. Go to the self-service login page of your application using the application’s link.

  4. Click ‘Continue with LinkedIn’ to sign in with your LinkedIn identity.

LinkedIn social login provider on login flow


In case of successful setup, after authentication, you should be asked to allow permission to your basic profile information and email address in your LinkedIn account.