Customizing email templates

Learn how to use the HTML editor to customize all of your customer email notifications.

The out-of-the-box customer email notifications can be easily customized using HTML.

For a complete listing and explanation of all of the Strivacity available Email templates see Email Notifications

Learn How To:

  1. Use Variables in Email Templates

  2. Edit The HTML Template

1) Use Variables In Email Templates

The Email template editor includes variables that you can use within the subject or body of your notification emails. To use a variable, type { to display all available variables for that email type.


The available variables will vary for each email template

The table below shows the available variables for each type of notification:

Account Invite

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{MagicLink}}Secure URL for launching account creation from the invitation email the customer receives
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Welcome Email

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{Username}}Uses and displays the string of the Username attribute from the customer account
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses the string of the login URL for the application, displayed as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displaysthe string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Activate Customer Login

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{MagicLink}}Secure URL for activating the customer account (note: this should be treated like a secret)
{{Username}}Uses and displays the string of the Username attribute from the customer account
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses and displays the string of the login URL for the application, as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{CompanyName}}Uses and displays the string of the Strivacity instance configuration name
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Forgotten Username Reminder

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{Username}}Uses and displays the string of the Username attribute from the customer account
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses the string of the login URL for the application, displayed as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Password Reset

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{ResetPasswordURL}}Secure URL for resetting the account password (note: this should be treated like a secret)
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses the string of the login URL for the application, displayed as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{CompanyName}}Uses and displays the string of the Strivacity instance configuration name
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Password Reset Request Succeeded

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses the string of the login URL for the application, displayed as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{CompanyName}}Uses and displays the string of the Strivacity instance configuration name
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

MFA Method Enroll

Variable NameDescription
{{Passcode}}Uses the generated one-time passcode and displays as a string (note: this should be treated like a secret)
{{ExpiredInMinutes}}Uses the lifetime of the one-time passcode and displays as a string
{{Recipient}}Uses the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

MFA Method Change

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{ChangeType}}Uses the type of change: Enrolled, Updated, Removed and displays as a string
{{FactorType}}Uses and displays the string of the type of MFA method used, e.g. Email OTP or SMS OTP
{{Username}}Uses and displays string of the Username attribute from the customer account
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses and displays the string of the login URL for the application, as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Account Updated

Variable Name
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{NewValues}}Collects and lists every update made to the customer account
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses and displays the string of the login URL for the application, as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer accoun

One-time Passcode

Variable NameDescription
{{Passcode}}Uses the generated one-time passcode and displays as a string (note: this should be treated like a secret)
{{ExpiredInMinutes}}Uses the lifetime of the one-time passcode and displays as a string
{{Recipient}}Uses the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Magic Link

Variable NameDescription
{{FirstName}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{MagicLink}}Secure single-use URL that customers or administrators can use for authentication if they've enrolled in this factor.
{{Recipient}}Uses the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Customer Account Deletion by Customer

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{MagicLink}}Secure URL for deleting the customer account (note: this should be treated like a secret)
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses and displays the string of the login URL for the application, as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses and displays the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account
{{CompanyName}}Uses and displays the string of the Strivacity instance configuration name
{{LogoURL}}Adds the logo specified in the application's branding policy
{{WebsiteURL}}Adds the website URL specified at Application URLs

Customer Account Deletion Confirmation

Variable NameDescription
{{Firstname}}Uses and displays the string of the First name attribute from the customer account
{{BrandName}}Fetches and displays the name of the branding policy assigned to the related application
{{BrandLoginURL}}Uses and displays the string of the login URL for the application, as a hyperlink
{{Recipient}}Uses the string of the Email address attribute from the customer account

2) Edit the HTML Template

To customize any Email template, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by logging into the Admin Console using an admin account

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Notifications, then select a notification template that you wish to edit.

  3. Under the Email Templates screen, you will be able to see all Email templates and preview all of the default text and values, as shown below:

  1. HTML can be edited directly on the left black window, and a preview will be shown in the right white window. Once you have finished making any changes to the template, you can click the Save button.