Strivacity AI Assist is designed to empower brand admins with real-time guidance and insights on the Strivacity product. By harnessing the capabilities of generative AI, AI Assist serves as an on-demand companion throughout your journey with Strivacity, ensuring you have the information and support you need at every step.

What is Strivacity AI Assist?

Strivacity AI Assist is an intelligent helper embedded directly within the Strivacity product, including the admin console, organization portal, and My Account portal. It leverages the latest advancements in large language models (LLMs), meticulously trained on our comprehensive product documentation and use cases. This allows AI Assist to provide contextually relevant advice, instructions, and explanations as you interact with the product.
AI Assist can even pass select data, such as policy configurations or account events, to get summaries and recommendations about your configurations and your customers.

Key features and capabilities

We’ve seamlessly integrated AI Assist into key areas of the Strivacity product to ensure you can use it where you need it:

  • Persistent availability: AI Assist is always just a click away, prominently positioned at the top of the screen. Whether you’re a new customer or an experienced administrator, you can ask questions like “How do I set up an application?” or “What policy governs password resets?” AI Assist provides clear, step-by-step instructions or directs you to the appropriate resources, saving you time and effort.
  • Contextual event explanations: Every account event within Strivacity is AI Assist-enabled. This means you can gain deeper insights into actions taken on behalf of an account. For instance, if you're reviewing a login attempt, simply ask, “What happened during this login?” or “Is there any risk involved in this registration session?” AI Assist will analyze the event and provide a detailed explanation, including potential security risks or anomalies.
  • Dashboard widget insights: Our dashboards are now more interactive and informative than ever. Each widget is integrated with AI Assist, allowing you to delve deeper into the data presented. Questions like “Describe the registration trends over the past year” or “What are some ways to improve this metric in the future?” will trigger AI Assist to provide analytical summaries and trend analysis, and even suggest best practices to optimize your metrics.
  • Enhanced role management: Managing roles and permissions is a crucial aspect of any CIAM solution. AI Assist helps you navigate this complex area by answering questions such as “What sensitive permissions does this role have?” or “Tell me all of the user management permissions this role has.” By providing this information, AI Assist ensures you maintain tight control over access privileges while minimizing the risk of misconfiguration.
  • Organization management role attestations: This feature enables you to gain detailed insights into the permissions granted to B2B admins. You can ask AI Assist about the specific permissions assigned to these roles and receive a comprehensive list of accounts that hold these permissions. This ensures that your organization’s access controls are transparent and well-managed, supporting compliance and security.
  • MyAccount experience: Your customers will benefit from AI Assist as they manage their accounts in the MyAccount portal. Whether they need help setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA), changing their password, or checking for suspicious activity, AI Assist is there to guide them. For example, a customer might ask, “How do I set up MFA?” and receive a straightforward, customer-friendly response that walks them through the process step-by-step.


AI Assist, like any other generative AI tool, can sometimes be wrong. Be sure to confirm the validity of critical information before making any important decisions.