Default adaptive access policy

Learn more about the configuration and best practices baked into the default Adaptive MFA policy.

The default Adaptive MFA policy is automatically assigned to each application and is active from the moment you start using Strivacity. This ensures that best-practice security is applied to your customer accounts without any additional setup required.

Adaptive MFA policies help enhance the security of your customers' accounts. They are also required for setting up an application.

You don't have to create an adaptive MFA policy from scratch to see it work in action. Strivacity's default Adaptive MFA policy comes with pre-configured multi-factor methods that you can apply immediately to an application.


You can find out more about creating and assigning adaptive MFA policies to applications at Creating an adaptive policy and Assigning an adaptive MFA policy to an application.

Here's a rundown of the default adaptive MFA policy settings:

Next to default settings, you can also set up platform-based authentication, allow your customers to enroll their roaming authenticators, switch on bot, anonymous proxy / Tor, and improbable travel detection, or apply behavior analytics for recognizing trusted online behaviors.

SettingDefault ValueDescription
Adaptive MFA Policy NameDefaultThis is the name the policy is referenced by in the Admin Console.
Adaptive MFA Policy Login WorkflowUsername -> MFA -> Password

This will provide a customer journey that requires the customer to provide the username as the identifier, then an MFA method and then the Password.

This workflow uses the MFA method to prevent an attacker from locking out the customer's account by exceeding the permitted number of password attempts.

Email methodEnabled and optional

Customers can decide to enroll an email authenticator in their self-service accounts.

One-time passcode and Magic Link factors are both allowed by default. Their lifetime is set to 6 minutes by default.

The passcode length is set to 6 characters by default.

You can require customers to enroll an email address at login by setting the method to Mandatory.

Phone methodEnabled and optional

Customers can decide to enroll phone authenticator in their self-service accounts.

One-time passcode and Magic Link factors are both allowed by default. Their lifetime is set to 6 minutes by default.

The passcode length is set to 6 characters by default.

You can require customers to enroll an email address at login by setting the method to Mandatory.

Soft tokenEnabled and optional

Customers can decide to enroll an authenticator application of their choice in their self-service accounts.

The passcode length and lifetime is dependent on the authenticator application they are using.

The Label name defaults to the brand name if the field is not filled in.

You can require customers to enroll in this method by setting it to Mandatory.

Device recognitionEnabled

This options allows customers to mark the devices they use for login as trusted ones. This way they will be stepped down from any multi-factor authentication that otherwise would be required of them.

Device recognition is set to last for 30 days by default. After the lifetime expires, customers will asked again to add their devices again.

Device recognition opt-inEnabled

The 'Remember my device' option in the customer login journey is set to appear with a selected checkbox.

This way customers will not forget to add their trusted devices.