Create a verification notification

Learn how to add a verification notification to your identity verification flow.


Set your customers up for success by setting expectations for what comes next in their account creation journey. Do this by adding a custom communication informing your customers what comes next in their account creation journey and getting their consent to share data with third parties during the identity verification process.


1) Select 'Verification notification' after creating or opening an identity verification policy.

2) Add your notification message to the text field.


The text field supports basic markdown syntax.

3) Change the visibility of the notification message.


When you disable the notification message, customers will still see the consents if they're explicit.

4) Review or change the selected consent.


Consents populate from your global Consents list.

5) Remove or add a checkbox to the selected consent.

6) Choose between implicit or explicit consent collection.

The implicit consent option will hide the consent from customers but the configured consent will still be associated with that customer's account:

Verification notification configured with an implicit consent

Verification notification configured with an implicit consent

The explicit consent option will display the consent with the applied checkbox settings:

Verification notification configured with an explicit consent

Verification notification configured with an explicit consent