Default self-service policy

Learn more about the configuration and best practices baked into the default Adaptive Self-Service policy.

The default Self-Service policy is automatically assigned to each application and is active from the moment you start using Strivacity. This ensures that best-practice customer experience and self-service workflows are applied to your customer accounts without any additional setup required.


With self-service policies, you can provide basic administration and troubleshooting capabilities for your customers to manage their self-service accounts.


Self-service policy assignment is required for creating applications. You don't have to create a self-service policy from scratch to see it work in action. Strivacity's default self-service policy comes with pre-configured best practices that you can apply immediately to an application.

Here are the capabilities allowed for self-service accounts by default:

disabled by default: Allow customer to choose a different emal identifier, defer password input

SettingDefault ValueDescription
Self-Service Policy NameDefaultThis is the name of this policy that you will see wherever it's referenced within the Admin Console.
Self-Service registration
Allow Self-Service Customer RegistrationOnThis allows customers to sign up for customer accounts from the login component.
Require Customer to Activate Their AccountOn

If enabled, customers are sent an activation link after registering to confirm their new account.

Account activation is ignored in case of identity stores that only support the 'USERNAME' identifier.

Customer Invite Registration
Allow Administrators to Invite CustomersOnThis allows administrators who can manage accounts to invite customers to the application the self-service policy is assigned to.
Allow Customer to Choose a Different Email IdentifierOff

The email address where the invitation is sent can automatically become the identifier of the account if the identity store supports the 'EMAIL' identifier.

By enabling this option, you can allow customers to provide an email identifier that's different from the invitation email address.

Lifetime of New Customer Invite Link72 hoursThe default length of time that a customer has to create an account by clicking the invitation link on the invitation link before it expires.
Password and Username Recovery
Allow Self-Service Username RemindersOnThis allows customers to request a username reminder at the identification step of the self-service login journey.
Allow Self-Service Password ResetOn

This allows customers to reset their passwords during the login journey.

Customers can use two different recovery options: At first, they're sent a secure link to their confirmed email address.

After the initial request, customers are given the option to re-request password reset to their phones if they have a confirmed phone number in their profile.

Lifetime of Password Reset Link by Email60 minutesThe default length of time that a customer has to click the password reset link in the password reset email before it expires.
Lifetime of Password Reset Passcode by Phone6 minutes

The default length of time that a customer has to use the password reset passcode the received via phone the before it expires.

Customers can ask for a passcode via text message or voice call in case of phone-based password recovery.

Length of Password Reset Passcode by Phone6 charactersThis field allows you to define the character length of the password reset passcode delivered to customers via text or voice call.
Allow Customers To Change Their PasswordOnThis allows customers to reset their passwords inside their self-service account under Security settings.
Self-Service Account Management
Allow Customers To Delete Their AccountOn

This allows customers to terminate their account from their self-service account.

💡Before any permanent change is made, customers are sent a follow-up email to verify their decision.

Lifetime of Account Deletion Link by Email24 hoursThe default length of time that a customer has to click the account deletion link they've received in their email and to confirm their choice before the link expires.
Allow Customers to Manage Their Personal InformationOnThis allows customers to edit their 'Personal Information' page in the self-service account.
Allow Customers to Manage Their ConsentsOnThis allows customers to view any consent that they've accepted and to opt out of any optional consents.
Allow Customers To Download Their DataOnThis setting allows customers to download their account data from their self-service accounts in the 'Privacy & Data' section.
Enable Application LauncherOnThis option adds quick access tiles to the customer's other available applications in the self-service portal under 'Your applications'.
Defer Password InputOffThis option places the password input field at the end of the customer login journey in every MFA workflow.